
The Pilates Garden and the expertise of an instructor like Bonnie has been an irreplaceable aspect in my life.  As a former Divison 1 college athlete it took a bit of convincing that Pilates could challenge me and make me feel as physically fit as athletics had, but through Bonnie's Pilates Instruction I have become transformed both physically and mentally.  I have never felt better about my body and my core strength as I have as a Pilates student at the Pilates Garden.  I have recommended her to family and friends, although I hate sharing such an incredible instructor and person." ~Jennifer Rinella


I have been a client of Bonnie's for about six years now.  When we began, I had never worked out before and did not think I would be able to stick with any kind of program.  Bonnie is an incredible human being and is extremely knowledgeable in her field.  She keeps me motivated and healthy; even when I was undergoing a vigorous course of therapy for breast cancer.  My time with her is fun and exhausting and I'm proud to call her my FRIEND. ~Terri


Nov. 7th 2009

  I love my Monday morning bootcamp.  Every Monday is different.  She keeps it interesting and you want to push it to the limit.  Bonnie is so motivating!  She is great with all age groups teens to geriatrics!  She designs your workout around your abilities and injuries.  She constantly asks how you feel.  It is comforting to know that she understands and cares.


Bonnie is awesome she lives and breathes what she does.  She genuinely cares about you and wants you to succeed and feel great!


Steph and I do Pilates with her on Wednesdays. We come in all wound up with so much to talk about.. Bonnie works us out and let's us chat before we start.  She just rocks!!!   Love, ~Steph and Amy XXOO


Plant your seed of fitness and watch your body grow smaller!!! My best friend and I started with Bonnie six weeks ago and the results have been amazing. Not only have we lost inches but our energy is sky high, our stress has gone down ten fold, and our skin is luminous! We actually look forward to each of our sessions to get our butts whipped.  We never thought we would ever say that about personal training.


The Pilates Garden has made me a stronger person on many levels.  Learning Pilates, and also alternating the workouts with weight training has not only made me feel better, but also look better.  Bonnie is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about what she does.  Her signature "roll outs" at the end of our session is the ultimate relaxation technique I have ever experienced after a workout.  Just one session with Bonnie at The Pilates Garden and you'll want to make working out part of your daily routine!   ~DM.



Bonnie has something that no other exercise studio can provide....It's just you and her in a fabulous designed cozy comfortable space lined with dream pieces of exercise equipment and all the accoutrements, from studio Peak Pilates machines, TRX, elliptical, treadmill, bike, weights, balls, bands, everything you can imagine is there. Its your own private exercise oasis that when put together with Bonnie's 17 year's of expertise combines to become a powerful magical equation that will get you fit mentally, physically, and spiritually. It will enable you to get on your way to being the best overall person you could ever be!You can't lose, so take that first step and go to The Pilates Garden.It is one of the best decisions my best friend and I have ever made. You won't regret it, and you'll thank yourself -especially when those jeans you never thought you'd get into fit you like sexy glove with the confidence and inner strength to match ;) ~ Alexis


During a long-term running disability, my doctor recommended that I pursue an alternative exercise program to allow my foot to heal.  Many years ago, and for many years, I enjoyed weight-training but had not done any lifting in the last 12 years. I was interested in getting back into weight-training during this running disability period and have a home gym, but I was concerned about potential injury if I was not performing the exercises correctly.  I had a home gym, so I was only interested in resuming weight training if I could find someone to set me up with a program for my in-home gym.


I decided to call the phone number on a black truck I saw regularly at the local high school track.  I presumed that if a trainer was also a runner, the trainer would be more focused on a program that would continue to keep me in shape for running (even though I was not currently permitted to run).


After a lengthy phone conversation where I drilled Bonnie on her experience and qualifications, we agreed to meet and start a program.  I was impressed that Bonnie spent an hour on the first visit presenting professional paperwork regarding her qualifications, screening me for medical conditions, which she verified with my physician, to be sure that she was aware of any limitations that should be incorporated into the training, and was careful to get feedback from me about my goals for the program.  I was expecting Bonnie to give me a list of exercises and demonstrate the correct approach, but she was clear that she feels that it is her responsibility to participate in the hourly workout by observing, teaching proper form and technique, and to assure that the exercises are done safely and effectively to prevent injuries.


I was finding as I was aging that in spite of my running, I was losing flexibility, so I asked Bonnie to dedicate as much of the program to improving flexibility as to building strength.  Bonnie was faithful in incorporating stretching into the program and it wasn’t long before I felt I was as flexible as I had been 15 years before.  For eighteen months, I’ve looked forward to a training program two nights each week, which incorporates stretching, weight-training, core strength training and supports my ongoing cardio workouts on the treadmill, elliptical and outdoor running for three seasons.  The programs are a mental lift, and Bonnie varies the program so that the programs are never boring.   We have a lot of fun during the workouts.  Bonnie incorporates the Pilates fundamentals and floor exercises as well, which is pretty tempting to me to add additional training nights, to be able to pursue Pilates as well.  Too much fun and not enough available evenings!


Bonnie incorporated some specific stretching exercises for my foot and calves to prevent the recurrence of the plantar-fasciitis.  I’ve resumed my regular long-distance running program, and I also had a great ski season this year, due to the regular core and leg strength-training. ~ Cheryl M. Conley King of Prussia, Pennsylvania


I have been working out with Bonnie for over 7 years.  She is an  amazing trainer and person.  She brings enthusiasm and inspiration to  everything she does.  She is always up on the latest innovations in  the fitness field and she loves learning new things.  She motivates me  to reach my goals and helps me to exceed them as well.  Her smile and  upbeat personality makes working out so much fun.  She is prompt and  professional and she loves her work, which shows clearly in all that  she does.  I look forward to our sessions together each week . ~Caroline Segall, Wynnewood PA.


In October 2004 I began working with a personal trainer.  After 6 months, I decided the trainer I was working with wasn’t the right fit for me.  As luck would have it, I saw a truck drive by with a phone number on it for personal training.  I called and scheduled an appointment.  I have now been working with Bonnie since June 2005.  Aside from the obvious benefits (ie: my clothing sizes shrinking and my fitness level constanly improving!) I believe Bonnie offers something incredibly special.


Bonnie works WITH you.  Really WITH you.  For a lot of people, exercise does not come naturally (time-wise, motivation-wise, etc).  Bonnie helps design a program with you that works for you.  She and I have come up with strategies, schedules, routines, and programs that FIT into my life, and made it easy for me to get it done.  I will be honest and say that I have always hated exercise.  And I won’t lie and say I love it now.  BUT . . . I DO IT.  Which is really to Bonnie’s credit.  And exactly why my prior trainer got fired.  Because Bonnie LISTENED to me, what I could do, couldn’t do, was willing to do, not willing to do . . . and she found how to work with me side by side to make sure that exercise didn’t become a horrid task for me to complete, or something that I couldn’t fit into my life.


On top of all that, she is a joy to work with.  Fantastic personality, always fun, great motivator and incredibly supportive.  And the most refreshing part is that Bonnie loves her job.  She loves doing it and her enthusiasm is contagious.  It’s so contagious – she actually got me to agree to try Pilates (which I am enjoying!)


I think you can find a million trainers that can make you sweat.  And you can find a million trainers that you like as people.  But I think it’s very rare to find a trainer who is a serious trainer fitness-wise, but does it with such tender loving care, that you actually can thrive not just on your own inner-motivation, but you can get a second boost of motivation and support from them.  That’s what you get with Bonnie. ~Jennifer Steinberg




I have been going to the Pilates Garden for personal training and pilates for about two years now and absolutely LOVE it. Bonnie is definately a one-of-a-kind trainer. What impresses me most is how incredibly knowledgable she is in all areas of physical fitness. She really "knows her stuff" and I always feel safe when I'm training with her. She puts together different exercise programs that I do when I go every week. She changes it every 4-5 times, which is really great because it gives your muslces a true work out. She is also very open to client feedback, so if you don't like something (a particular exercise for example), she'll modify it and find a different way to work the same muscles. I LOVE using all the equipement- TRX, kettlebless, cables...it really is a lof of fun.

Bonnie truly loves what she does and it shows. She's ALWAYS enthusiastic about what we are working on during my sessions with her and it really makes a difference- much more fun.

I have definately seen a difference in my body physically since training with her. I feel like I have gotten stronger everywhere, but especially in my core. My balance has also gotten better, which was an issure for me.

If you are looking to really make a change and commitment to your physical fitness or even just try pilates and gain a little more core strength, I would undoubtedly reccommend trying the Pilates Garden. It's worth it. :)

Kate Harrity


Discover what fitness can do for you!

Contact Bonnie at

112 Plant Avenue Wayne PA 19087
